Desain Pin dengan Photoshop Part1
Sudah lama banget saya tidak posting di blog ini hehe, saya akan posting tentang mendesain sebuah pin dengan photoshop, desain ini saya buat untuk karang taruna di kampung saya, maaf kalau dalam bahasa inggris ( ini hanya repost dari blog saya yang lain, males rewrite hehehe).
OK guys thank you for your attention. In here i will share to you how to create a Pin design like this picture below. I use Adobe Photoshop Cs3 to design this pictureThis is the final image we will create
OK guys lets begin
The first step :
Create a new Photoshop document with a resolution of 1280 px times 800 px and fill the background with color, you can use any color you like. Create a new layer andusing the Elliptical Marquee tool (M) for the circular marquee. Press Shift whiledragging the selection so that you will produce a perfect circle.
Step 2
Use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill the circle selection with whatever color wroteearlier, there is no problem whatever color you use. Remove the selection by pressing Ctrl + D
Step 3
Now it's time we do the styling expansion. Double-click the orange circle layer to display the Layer Style window and first select Drop Shadow from the pop-up menu. Use the settings as below, but do not click OK .
Step 4
Still in the Layer Effect window, now click on Inner Shadow and use settings as follows. Note the Use Global Light box we do not check, so that we can change thedirection of the light angle.
Step 5
Next select Inner Glow and make setting changes as shown below.
Step 6
And this is the last Layer Style we use. Select Gradient Overlay and settings that I use as follows. Press OK when you have finished.
Step 7
Now we will begin to make the highlights on the pin. Add a new layer, then using theElliptical Marquee Tool, make an elliptical selection on the right of the pin.
Lanjut disini
Desain Pin dengan Photoshop Part1
Reviewed by
Kado Lampu
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